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The Rainbow-colored Rain Comes Pouring Down”


【FAT WOMAN ~虹色の雨が降る~】


“FAT MAN”: the world’s last atomic bomb detonated in Nagasaki in 1945. Based on its blueprint, we created the full-scale reproduction of FAT MAN. Adopting our creative interpretation, we announce our sculpture, named “FAT WOMAN.”


1945年長崎県に投下、世界史上、最後に実戦使用された原子力爆弾「FAT MAN」。その実物図面を入手し原寸大で模倣制作、原爆オブジェ「FAT WOMAN」と命名しオリジナルペイントを施した。

As a part of this project, we held a community meeting at a certain place in Gifu prefecture for exchanging views with ordinary citizens. We also created a documentary footage trailing the progress of the project, including the deliberation of the project itself.




Entitled “FAT WOMAN: The Rainbow-colored Rain Comes Pouring Down”, our installation piece is a collaboration of the sculpture and documentary piece. In our statement, we proposed to someday drop (exhibit) the bomb to the United States as peaceful and artistic vengeance against the atomic bomb attacks on Japan. (The work was accepted for The 19th Taro Okamoto Award for Contemporary Art.)  


オブジェ×ドキュメンタリー映像による、インスタレーション作品 「FAT WOMAN ~虹色の雨が降る~」 と題し、いつかこれをアメリカに投下(展示)するという「アートによる平和的報復♪」を提案。(第19回岡本太郎現代芸術賞展入選)


TEAM WARERA FAT WOMAN PROJECT is a continuous exhibition; we go global, keep seeking any place where agrees with and support our idea to exhibit the work. It is our ultimate goal to make our project into a site-specific global performance to realize the US exhibition.





Vol.1 Earth Day Nagoya 




Vol.2  橋の下世界音楽祭




アメリカ在住者に限定して、ebayオークションに出品中 ♪



"FAT WOMAN: The Rainbow-colored Rain Comes Pouring Down” from Japan | eBay

"FAT WOMAN": A life-size Atomic bomb sculpture from TEAM WARERA(Japan) 


《FAT WOMAN PROJECT!!! 2017》 TEAM WARERA has created “FAT WOMAN: The Rainbow-Colored Rain Comes Pouring Down,” The art work was created in a style called installation art which is a combination of sculpture and documentary parts. The sculpture part is a full-scale reproduction of FAT MAN, the atomic bomb that the U.S. detonated in Nagasaki in 1945, with their original painting on it. It is a prayer that we will never repeat the tragedy, which “that blow” caused in human history. The other part, a documentary movie, traces the discussion among the members and the locals on how significant it is to make this object in our time. It is one of the winners of the 19th Okamoto Taro Modern Art Prize. While FAT WOMAN has been exhibited at such renowned music festivals as Hashinoshita Festival and Earth Day Nagoya Festival, TEAM WARERA aims to bring the sculpture to the United States as a medium of heartfelt communication between people beyond the frameworks of nation-states. They intend to drop “a blow of LOVE” into the reality that our comrades live in Japan, in the U.S. and the rest of the world. The price tag for Fat Woman is $1. Any art collectors in the U.S. are welcome to purchase it provided they pay for all the shipping costs.


1945年、人類史上最後に実戦使用された原子力爆弾FAT MANの実物図面から再現され、オリジナルペイントが施されている。「あの一撃」を人類史上最後に、哀しい歴史を2度と繰り返えさぬようにとの祈りを込めたオブジェである。 TEAM WARERAは、このオブジェ制作の可否を、地域の人々との会合(議論〜投票〜可決されるまで)をドキュメンタリー映像として制作し、オブジェと映像によるインスタレーション作品として発表。(第19回岡本太郎現代芸術賞展/入選) その後は、いつかこの作品をアメリカ国内の美術コレクターに売却し移送することで、この作品の完成形とするFAT WOMAN project として、音楽イベント等に展示を継続。 国家という枠組みを超えた民衆同士の心あるコミュニケーションとして、この作品をアメリカ国内の同志に届けることで、アメリカと日本、そして、世界中の同志が住む現実に、愛の一撃を投下する事を目論んでいる。


ー売却希望価格ー $1〜  送料、手数料は買取者負担。

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